Jingshu Chen 
Dr. Jingshu Chen is assistant professor of Computer Science at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Her Academic journey is Xiamen University (B.E.) ->
Chinese Academy of Sciences (M.E.) -> Michigan State University (Ph.D.) -> Oakland University (Asssitant Professor)-> The University of Alabama in Huntsville (Asssitant Professor)
Dr. Chen's research interests include:
Smart Healthcare
Formal modeling, analysis and repair for System Reliability
Learning based System Design, Analysis and Prediction
8/2024: My lab moves to UAH!
5/2024: My students Yuxuan, Qi and Brandon are presenting 3 of our ongoing works, including (1) LLM-based vulneratbilies analysis, (2) Smart Contract based V2V charging platforms and (3) UAV path planning for Emergence Medical Sceinarios at MOST 2024 at Dalllas.
4/2024: I was invited to serve as TPC for Cloud 2024.
3/2024: Our project on A Practical Sensing System on EM Side-Channel of IoT is funded by NSF # 2347409.
2/2024: Our project on Smart Opioid Sensor System Development is funded by NSF # 2344344.
1/2024: I just attended the NSF PI Training Workshop. Big thanks to the NSF for such an amazing opportunity! Stay tuned for more updates on our exciting new project that just got funded!
10/2023: I was invited to serve as NSF Reviewer .
10/2023: I was invited to serve as TPC for Cloud 2023.
10/2023: Our work on Configurable Resource Management Recommendation has been accepted at UCC 2023.
9/2023: Our work on Resource Management Recommendation for Large scale cloud systems has been accepted at CNSM 2023.
8/2023: I was invited to serve as TPC for SIGCSE 2023.
7/2023: Our work on XAI in Fuzzing Testing for Industry Control Systems has been accepted at ASE 2023.
5/2023: The work on Assessment of ChatGPT's Proficiency in Software Development is accepted at IEEE CPS: SERP 2023.
5/2023: Our work on Scenario-based Design for Ensuring Reliable UAV-Assisted Multi-Access Edge Computing is accepted for IEEE MOST Poster/Demo Session.
2/2023: Our work on Highly Sensitive EM Side channel Analysis is ready for submission! Available for request.
2/2023: Our Project on Scalable Space System Fuzzing has been funded by NASA MSGC Seed Grant.
2/2023: Our work on Scalable Fuzzing for Industry Control Systems was invited to present at High Confidence Software and Systems(HCSS) 2023.
2/2023: Our work on Formal Repair for Smart Contracts is under submission! Available for request.
1/2023: Our work on GA based Refinement Approach of Probabilistic Optimization for Stabilization is under submission! Available for request.
12/2022: Our work on “Enabling External Security Monitoring for Resource-Constrained IoT” has been funded by URC Faculty seed grant.